Stephanie Stanton, H.H.C. Christian Counselor
I have 17+ years of experience counseling others and have evolved from holistic health coaching to Christian counseling. I counsel both believers and unbelievers alike. It was my own personal journey to overcome years of suffering with severe anxiety and panic attacks, without turning to medication, that led me to learn everything I could about healing the body, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and spirit.
In 2001, I received my holistic health counseling certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition located in New York City. |
Then in 2012, I received my certification from the Superhero Training Program, a leading edge, worldwide leadership program created and led by industry experts David Wolfe, Dr. Nick Good, and Michael Mackintosh. Later in 2013, I was a graduate of the Essentials of Superfoods course offered by the Matthew Kenney Academy; (now renamed Food Future Institute) the first-ever superfoods course offered worldwide. Most recently in 2019, I completed a discipleship program on inner healing.
Before crossing over into counseling, I worked in Corporate America as a Product Associate in the Banking Strategy Department of UBS Financial Services, Inc. In my past, I was the Associate Producer for a nationally broadcast, Emmy-nominated cancer documentary hosted by Walter Cronkite that aired on PBS television in 1998 entitled, CANCER: Increasing Your Odds for Survival. I also worked on the companion resource guide that was written to go along with the documentary. And I spent time as the Whole-Body Department Manager of Whole Foods Market in Montclair, New Jersey. Today my husband and I are co-founders of Happy Tails Dog Rescue, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in South Florida, dedicated to the rescue of dogs from kill shelters. I'm also a host on the podcast, The Believer, the Unbeliever, and the Inbetweener, and author of the nutrition book, The Healthy Christian. To read my testimony, see below. You can also listen to my testimony on YouTube. |
Ever since I was young, I had a strong drive to find "the truth". This desire caused me to question everything. I was raised in a strict Roman Catholic family and went to a Catholic high school, exposing me to religion early on in my life. My ongoing quest for truth led me to try and study everything related to spirituality. As I searched to know God more, I became "less religious" and "more spiritual"—or so I thought. I studied and practiced meditation, yoga, Buddhism, New Age and Eastern philosophies, parapsychology, ufology (and was a member of MUFON), energy work, and sound healing. I further studied A Course in Miracles, The Urantia Book, and even spent time working with a Shaman. The deeper I got into these philosophies and practices the more I learned how to become "my own god". During this time, I received my certification in Reiki, PSYCH-K®, and Access Bars (The Bars®). I then spent many years as a Health Counselor and Dharma Coach. And, although I was spiritually "lost" at the time, I didn't think or feel that I was.
Experience at a Haunted Inn
Then in my twenties, prior to becoming a believer, I spent time as a recreational paranormal investigator. During this time, I had the opportunity to participate in an official paranormal investigation of The Inn On Lake Waramaug located in New Preston, Connecticut, a reportedly haunted Inn. The investigation was conducted by then famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. At one point during the investigation, Ed Warren asked me to participate in contacting the spirits by using a Ouija board. Hesitantly, I agreed. As we began using the board we made "contact" and a cold spot (or portal) formed above the board. This portal allowed a demonic spirit to come through and it spiraled all around me. It was ice cold as it grazed across my skin with a swift icy breeze. Eventually, the cold spot dispersed, and the spirit went away. I was left terrified. That night I learned just how dangerous using a Ouija board is.
Accepting Jesus Christ
It was at the age of 41 that I had an experience which led me to Jesus Christ. At this time in my life things were going really well for me, and even though I was a "seeker", I definitely was not looking for Jesus or anything to do with Christianity. If anything, I was very much against it. As a New Ager, I thought anything to do with Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity was a tool to control the masses and a crutch for those who couldn't cope with life. I didn't believe in the concept of sin or in the idea of a literal place called hell. I believed everything in the Universe, including my idea of God, consisted only of pure love. Therefore, I thought that anyone who was a Christian was ignorant and spiritually remedial.
Then one day while I was reading, He Came to Set the Captives Free, by Rebecca Brown I understood the truth about Jesus and what He did for me at the cross. I understood I was a sinner in need of forgiveness and how without Jesus, my soul would be damned to hell for eternity. Instantly I knew that Jesus Christ was exactly who He claimed to be... He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! In that moment, it felt like a spiritual veil was lifted off of my mind—like I was waking up from a trance. For the first time in my life, I understood the cross. I was aware that I had transgressed a holy and just God. That's when I believed on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the atonement for my sins and trusted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
This spiritual understanding came as a complete shock to me. It completely dismantled everything I had believed about God, reality, and life. My existing paradigm was completely shattered in seconds, and I was humbled to my core. It became undeniably clear that I had been deceived by New Age teachings (I later learned that New Age teachings are luciferian/theosophy doctrines in disguise and represent the "false light"). I realized that I had been misled to think Jesus was an advanced spiritual master and just a prophet. I was also deceived in thinking that accepting Christ only meant achieving a Christ-like consciousness and that Christianity was "one of many paths to truth", believing that eventually everyone goes back to Source (or God) ...All lies.
In that moment, a reverent fear of God fell upon me that dropped me to my knees. My heart was deeply pierced as I became aware of both the love of God and the suffering and destruction my sin had caused. This was a huge paradigm shift for me. Almost immediately I noticed a desire in my heart to know and to do "God's will" rather than "my will". I also had a "knowing" that I needed to start reading the Bible and that the Bible is God's inspired written word. Problem was, I didn't own a Bible! That week I bought a KJV Bible and started reading it, and for the first time I was able to understand it—it came alive. Later that week, I removed all occult objects and books from my house. The other shift I noticed was my taste in music changed. I lost interest in secular music and found myself listening to praise music (which before would irritate me).
Offering Godly Counsel
This ministry has been established to provide guidance, support, and encouragement based on the scriptures to those in need of biblical counsel. Through this ministry, I am able to minister the gospel of grace to unbelievers and edify fellow believers in the Lord. I no longer practice, use, or follow any New Age doctrines or disciplines, any Eastern philosophies, or anything that is not in alignment with God's word, rightly divided. If you need help, support, or prayer for what you are struggling with please don't hesitate to reach out.
Experience at a Haunted Inn
Then in my twenties, prior to becoming a believer, I spent time as a recreational paranormal investigator. During this time, I had the opportunity to participate in an official paranormal investigation of The Inn On Lake Waramaug located in New Preston, Connecticut, a reportedly haunted Inn. The investigation was conducted by then famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. At one point during the investigation, Ed Warren asked me to participate in contacting the spirits by using a Ouija board. Hesitantly, I agreed. As we began using the board we made "contact" and a cold spot (or portal) formed above the board. This portal allowed a demonic spirit to come through and it spiraled all around me. It was ice cold as it grazed across my skin with a swift icy breeze. Eventually, the cold spot dispersed, and the spirit went away. I was left terrified. That night I learned just how dangerous using a Ouija board is.
Accepting Jesus Christ
It was at the age of 41 that I had an experience which led me to Jesus Christ. At this time in my life things were going really well for me, and even though I was a "seeker", I definitely was not looking for Jesus or anything to do with Christianity. If anything, I was very much against it. As a New Ager, I thought anything to do with Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity was a tool to control the masses and a crutch for those who couldn't cope with life. I didn't believe in the concept of sin or in the idea of a literal place called hell. I believed everything in the Universe, including my idea of God, consisted only of pure love. Therefore, I thought that anyone who was a Christian was ignorant and spiritually remedial.
Then one day while I was reading, He Came to Set the Captives Free, by Rebecca Brown I understood the truth about Jesus and what He did for me at the cross. I understood I was a sinner in need of forgiveness and how without Jesus, my soul would be damned to hell for eternity. Instantly I knew that Jesus Christ was exactly who He claimed to be... He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! In that moment, it felt like a spiritual veil was lifted off of my mind—like I was waking up from a trance. For the first time in my life, I understood the cross. I was aware that I had transgressed a holy and just God. That's when I believed on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the atonement for my sins and trusted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
This spiritual understanding came as a complete shock to me. It completely dismantled everything I had believed about God, reality, and life. My existing paradigm was completely shattered in seconds, and I was humbled to my core. It became undeniably clear that I had been deceived by New Age teachings (I later learned that New Age teachings are luciferian/theosophy doctrines in disguise and represent the "false light"). I realized that I had been misled to think Jesus was an advanced spiritual master and just a prophet. I was also deceived in thinking that accepting Christ only meant achieving a Christ-like consciousness and that Christianity was "one of many paths to truth", believing that eventually everyone goes back to Source (or God) ...All lies.
In that moment, a reverent fear of God fell upon me that dropped me to my knees. My heart was deeply pierced as I became aware of both the love of God and the suffering and destruction my sin had caused. This was a huge paradigm shift for me. Almost immediately I noticed a desire in my heart to know and to do "God's will" rather than "my will". I also had a "knowing" that I needed to start reading the Bible and that the Bible is God's inspired written word. Problem was, I didn't own a Bible! That week I bought a KJV Bible and started reading it, and for the first time I was able to understand it—it came alive. Later that week, I removed all occult objects and books from my house. The other shift I noticed was my taste in music changed. I lost interest in secular music and found myself listening to praise music (which before would irritate me).
Offering Godly Counsel
This ministry has been established to provide guidance, support, and encouragement based on the scriptures to those in need of biblical counsel. Through this ministry, I am able to minister the gospel of grace to unbelievers and edify fellow believers in the Lord. I no longer practice, use, or follow any New Age doctrines or disciplines, any Eastern philosophies, or anything that is not in alignment with God's word, rightly divided. If you need help, support, or prayer for what you are struggling with please don't hesitate to reach out.
Hosted by Stephanie Stanton, Cheryl Carreau, and Michelle Tschupp
This podcast is a live chat round table discussion where scripture meets skepticism. Listen as three friends discuss socially relevant topics of our time in view of biblical truth. With a "believer", an "unbeliever", and an "inbetweener", each one brings a different perspective to these dynamic conversations. Listeners are encouraged to listen with an open mind and come to their own conclusions. Some of the episodes include guest callers. Listen to our trailer below and come join in on the conversation!
Find us on iTunes, PodBean, Anchor, TuneIn, and Spotify. |
The Healthy Christian: Everyday Healthy Recipes & Nutritional Insights
By Stephanie Stanton
This cookbook is complete with 82 everyday healthy recipes and 40 full-color images to help you get started and stay healthy! Find helpful nutritional guidelines, information on superfoods that help boost nutrition levels, beneficial supplementation, kitchen essentials, and more!